Medical sex stories

Doctor’s Office Dicking

Viewed: 4588
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 by 9 raters

Going to the doctor’s office can sometimes be a nerve-wracking experience. You either wait to hear results on things or you’re given meds to help you when you feel completely shitty. I’ve been going to my doc now for about 5 years. I’ve seen all kinds of assistants c...more>>

Handy Helper

Viewed: 3205
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 by 5 raters

Well, Murph had really done it this time. His hopes for a downhill ski-racing medal in the Winter Olympics were shattered, as were both of his arms. It had happened fast, he was setting a record pace until his ski hit a mogul the wrong way and sent him sailing into t...more>>

I Love My Doctor

Viewed: 3216
Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 by 7 raters

I love going to the doctor. Not many women do, mind you, but mine is special. Every time I go in for an examination, I come out from a treatment!

It starts out like any other office visit, but then when we get into the examination room, its a whole other world. As...more>>